Cultivating What Matters in Finances, Wellness, and Faith in Kids

Cultivating What Matters in Finances, Wellness, and Faith in Kids

If you’ve been in the Cultivate family for long, you know we don’t create products for the sake of creating products. We create products we are excited to use, and our Summer Launch coming April 24th is no exception. Not only are we restocking Six-Month PowerSheets in White, we’re releasing a new collection of products we dreamed up to help you continue to cultivate what matters!

Three of our favorites? Our brand new Finance Goal Guide, Wellness Goal Guide, and Write the Word Journal for Kids!

Whether you’re cultivating your finances, wellness, or hoping to plant seeds of faith in your children, we’ve teamed up with experts in these arenas to offer practical advice and encouragement and answer all your questions!


Wednesday, April 11th at 2pm ET with Shay Cochrane

Our resident finance guru, Emily Thomas, will be teaming up with Shay Cochrane, commercial photographer, to share their top five ways to cultivate their finances. There’s no need to be an expert, because no matter your financial situation, you have everything you need to change the course of your financial story! Register here.


Wednesday, April 18th at 2pm ET with Lara Casey

Our brand new Write the Word for Kids has our entire team excited about planting seeds of faith in young ones. Join Lara Casey, mother of three under six, for a live class on how to cultivate faith in the lives of children. Register here.


Thursday, April 26th at 2pm ET with Amia Freeman

Taking care of yourself is far from selfish–it’s necessary to cultivate all aspects of your life. Join Lara Casey and Amia Freeman of inneractive FITCLUB™ as they talk through how to live a healthy, full life. Register here.

Please note: Crowdcast works best on the Google Chrome browser, and we recommend downloading it ahead of the webinar. If you experience technical difficulties, please reach out directly to Crowdcast support.

If you aren’t able to join us live for any of these events, there’s no need to fret. A replay will be available for all those that have registered, so be sure to sign up to receive access to the broadcast afterward! Note: you will have to sign up for multiple events.

Leave us a comment, and let us know you’re coming! We can’t wait to see how your little by little progress will add up to help you cultivate what matters in your own life.

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Cultivate What Matters Podcast

Dream big, plan well, and take action! The Fresh Start Goal Planner has powerful goal-setting pages plus space for your calendar and tasks.

Goal School

Write the Word® Love is back! Shop the newly-updated journal, which includes refreshed verses and journaling prompts, along with a lovely new linen cover.