How to Use Your “On My Heart” Section

How to Use Your “On My Heart” Section

If you’re anything like me, sometimes guided journals can feel a bit too overwhelming. What if I don’t want to answer specific questions on that day? What if I simply need a place to pause, reflect, and record what’s been on my mind and heart. One of our favorite parts of the Write the Word journal is how the “On My Heart” section can be used in a variety of ways! We’re sharing some of our favorite way below, but don’t let these ideas limit you!

Photo from my personal Write the Word Journal

Keep track of gratitudes. Many of our PowerSheets users have some form gratitude on their daily goals, and your Write the Word journal is a great place to track those in the same spot. I do something similar in my WTW-each day, I answer the question “What God has done for me?” or “What is God in the process of doing for me?” It gives me the opportunity to reflect on things big and small in my life, and it reminds me that moving towards gratitude and contentment is often a journey.

Capture memories. Your “On My Heart” section is a great place to capture memories or moments from your day. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve realized I have a tendency to remember the big moments, but I have to work harder to remember the smaller ones. I love the idea of intentionally recording the seemingly small but beautiful moments in your day.

Photo from Rhiannon Bosse by Samantha James Photography

Write letters to those you love. Our friend Rhiannon Bosse wrote a blog post about how she uses her Write the Word journal as someone who doesn’t particularly love journaling. She’s started writing letters to her son to give him one day. Our Customer Delight and Shop Manager uses her Write the Word journal to write letters to her future husband. Both intend to give the journals to their intended recipients one day, but we love the idea of writing letters to a variety of different people, too.

Reflect on the passage from the previous page. Use this space to reflect on the Scripture from the coordinating page, perhaps rewriting pieces of it in your own words or pulling out certain phrases. If the scripture on the coordinating page was particularly powerful I also record that there as well. Record the things you are learning!

Photo by Kaylee

Write out your prayers. Maybe you simply need a place to write out your prayers or long-form journal? That’s great! We love the idea of writing prayers about worries or fears you might be experiencing because it’ll give you the opportunity to flip back to these pages to reflect when prayers are answered.

We’d love to hear from you! Are you a journaler? If so, what types of things do you record? Do you use a notebook or a prompted journal? Leave a comment and share!

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Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas is Cultivate What Matters' Content Strategist and Writer. With over a decade at Cultivate, Emily loves helping women uncover what matters, set good goals, and live them out with joy. Her free time is spent with her high-school-sweetheart husband and three young kiddos.

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